How do I access full-text articles through Google Scholar?

Sign into your Google Scholar account or create a new one. Then you will need to designate Harvard as your library:

  1. Go to Google Scholar’s main page and click “Settings”
  2. Select “Library links” on the left of the page
  3. In the empty box, type “Harvard” and click Search
  4. Check the box next to “Harvard University - Find It @ Harvard” and click “Save”
  5. Now “Find it @ Harvard” buttons will appear next to resources.  If you are logged into your cfa.harvard.edu or other google based email address, the changes to the...
Read more about How do I access full-text articles through Google Scholar?

Can I return any Harvard Library book at the Wolbach Library?

You can return any Harvard Library book at the Wolbach Library. There is a messenger service that travels between the Harvard libraries. Coorespondingly, Wolbach Library materials can be returned to any other Harvard Library.

  • Library materials may be returned at the Wolbach Library Circulation Desk during regular business hours.
  • Library materials may be returned by mail to:

    John G. Wolbach Library
    Center for Astrophysics
    60 Garden St. MS-56
    Cambridge, MA 02138.

How do I renew materials?

You may renew most library materials remotely (via HOLLIS or phone) up to five times. After that, the materials must be returned and may be renewed in person. Once renewed in person, the renewal cycle starts anew.

Exceptions to the 5-Renewals rule include borrowing Wolbach's Exceptions to the 5-Renewals rule include borrowing Wolbach's .

Phone renewals: 
617-496-5769 (Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm) 
Voicemail messages not accepted

Read more about How do I renew materials?